Aviation Survival Fire Starter
Product Reviews - What our customers have to say about this product
(4 Ratings, 1 Review) |
Average Rating:
Works great even when wet!
4/8/2010 9:54 PM
Took this little guy up with me on a camping trip to South Carolina. I wasn't counting on this, and I had some back up matches just in case, but wanted to try it out. We set up next to a lake and it had just rained pretty heavily the day before we got there so all the pine straw, leaves and wood were still pretty soaked. But, even with the wetness this thing still worked beautifully and I had no problems starting the fire. If I remember right it only took me 2 or 3 strokes to get it going. Haven't tried the Aurora Firestarter yet so I can't really compare the quality of this to that one, but this one certainly passed the test in my book. A+ buy in my opinion. I wouldn't hesitate at all to purchase or recommend this one.